Intrusión G4

New technologies applied to alarm centers

Logo Intrusion G4

Project description

In August 2021, Order INT / 316/2011 will enter into force, which establishes a series of standards to regulate the technical characteristics of the elements that make up the intrusion and burglary alarm systems (I & HAS). It establishes four degrees of security.

Grade 4, considered high risk, reserved for so-called critical infrastructures, must be fulfilled by all components of a grade 4 alarm system. There are Grade 4 control units, but there are no Grade 4 sensors on the market.

The Intrusion-G4 project seeks new technologies to overcome the challenge of increasing the degree of security of the intrusion detection systems currently available on the market. For this, new functionalities will be provided to the alarm center, which will increase those required by the standard for Grade 4 alarm control unit and a new Grade 4 sensor will be designed and developed using PIR/microwave technological redundancy, electronic smart systems and computer vision.



Expand knowledge of the critical infrastructure intrusion ecosystem


Increase the functionality of the intrusion alarm control units, expanding the requirements demanded by the UNE-EN 50131-1 standard for the maximum security control units, Grade 4, and become a Grade 4+ grade control unit


Develop Machine Learning techniques based on machine learning to improve the detection of intrusion and sabotage of detection systems


Obtain an operational prototype of a sensor for intrusion detection that improves the performance of the equipment available on the market, and that meets the characteristics to be a Grade 4 intrusion detector sensor


Merge the Grade 4 intrusion sensor with the Grade 4+ switchboard



Analysis of vulnerabilities in the security and resilience of critical infrastructures


Establishment of the hardware/software architecture of the Grade 4 intrusion ecosystem

Design Grade 4+ central

Design and development of a new Grade 4+ central control unit

Design G4 intrusion sensor

Design and development of an intelligent G4 intrusion sensor based on optical technologies

Fusion of technologies

Integral fusion of central control unit and grade 4 intrusion sensor


Demonstrator in real environment of the solution



Reference Technological Center in Research and Development

Logo Ivescon

Experts in software and electronic security systems

Expected results

Vulnerabilities in the security and resilience of critical infrastructures and new models of technological crime in intrusion G4
New central control unit Grade 4+
Smart Grade 4 intrusion sensor prototype
G4 intrusion ecosystem, which integrates control unit and intrusion sensor
Demonstration of the comprehensive solution in a real environment
